Day 55 of 100 Days of AI
The topic of the day was regression trees. They are similar to classification trees but are used to predict continuous values. I only went through a revision primer and can’t say I’ve internalised the full concepts. However, I know the process at a very high level.
Machine Learning Tutor
I also created a GPT machine learning tutor that I can converse with on topics I don’t fully understand. This is publicly available here for anyone that has a ChatGPT account.
Why did I create one? To save time on prompting.
See below an example of the type of response you get from ChatGPT if it’s prompted without much direction on how to respond.

Now compare the above response to the one below, which provides more direction on the type of response we would like.

I prefer this response and it’s what the Machine Learning Tutor GPT is set up for.
You can try out the tutor here. It’s great!